Fair Chase Hunting Disclaimer
Fair Chase Hunting is defined as the ethical, sportsmanlike and lawful pursuit and taking of any free-range wild, native big game animal.
Fair chase hunting is just that... fair chase, it is not for everyone. While many adventures have detailed itineraries, sporting destinations offer very few. Surprises, confusion, bad weather, delays, risks, issues, and mental/ physical fatigue play a huge role in all hunting and fishing trips. There are no guarantees, if you cannot live with that premise do not go. Plan A quickly transforms into Plan B and your ability to roll with the flow is critical. Fair chase hunting and fishing should not measure success with harvested animals. The adventure is the destination.
Jim Shockey put it very well when he said "We have become a society of people who expect more for less, hunting should never be that!"
The adventure is always successful if you measure success by the journey and excitement. The fish and game are the bonus. Remember outdoorsmen are rich in life experiences, which can never be taken away.
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